01/06/2005 (version 2.50) ---------- 1. categroized folders display in openwebmail-folder.pl (thanks to Joao S Veiga, openwebmail.AT.rf.com.br for his code) 01/05/2005 ---------- 1. Cool3D.Deutsch iconset update (thanks to Martin Bronk, martin.AT.bronk.de) 01/04/2005 ---------- 1. Indonesian lang and template files translation update (thanks to James Briggs, james.AT.ActionMessage.com) 2. Bulgarian language and template files translation minor update (thanks to Veselin Slavov, vess.AT.slavof.net) 3. add minor fix to openwebmail-folders.pl for fscharset (thanks to Hidetoshi, hchacha.AT.users.sourceforge.net for his fix) 4. new charset support for ja_JP.utf8, zh_TW.Big5.utf8, zh_CN.GB2312.utf8 5. new option --langconv to openwebmail-tool.pl (thanks to Hidetoshi, hchacha.AT.users.sourceforge.net for his code in owm-init-gen-ja.patch.gz) ps: This is used to convert openwebmail lang/template and htmlarea files of specific language from one chanrset to another. It is useful when adding new charset support of existing language. 01/03/2005 ---------- 1. Deutsch lang file translation update (thanks to Martin Bronk, martin.AT.bronk.de) 2. Indonesian lang and template files translation update (thanks to James Briggs, james.AT.ActionMessage.com) 3. Slovenian language file translation update (thanks to Uros Sajko, copatek.AT.yahoo.com) 12/30/2004 ---------- 1. Finish language translation update (thanks to Pasi Sjoholm, pasi.sjoholm.AT.tieto-x.fi) 2. imporve the speed of mailfilter.pl by skipping zapped/verified messageids as earily as possible 12/28/2004 ---------- 1. Deutsch lang and template files translation update (thanks to Martin Bronk, martin.AT.bronk.de) 2. Indonesian language file translation update (thanks to James Briggs, james.AT.ActionMessage.com) 12/27/2004 ---------- 1. fix a bug that spam/virus reserved days option does not show up in user prefs (thanks to kkenyon.AT.aircanopy.net for his fix) 2. fix a problem that the height of insert image/sound/table window in html composor was not large enough to include the ok and cancel botton 3. fix a bug that < and > in replyto field would be removed in user preference (reported by Yves MARTIN, ymartin.AT.mail.com) 12/26/2004 ---------- 1. new mirror site at St. Petersburg, FL, USA, http://holodeck3.net/owmirror (thanks to Peter Friedrich, peterf.AT.peterf.com) 2. Czech language and template files translation update (thanks to Milan Kerslager, milan.kerslager.AT.pslib.cz) 12/24/2004 ---------- 1. fix a minor bug in mailfilter.pl that the filter.check file was not updated after folder is changed by mailfilter itself, which caused the mailfilter does one more message status scan of all messages in the folder next time. 2. add option bgfilterthreshold to the user preference so user can determine whether the mail filter should be put into background based on the message count in INBOX folder 3. Polish language and template files translation update (thanks to Pawel Foremski, pjf.AT.gna.org) 12/23/2004 ---------- 1. call charset() after loadlang to set the charset for CGI module to fix bugs because of wrong default charset (thanks to Hidetoshi, hchacha.AT.users.sourceforge.net for his fix) 2. new iconset: Cool3D.Japanese (thanks to Hidetoshi, hchacha.AT.users.sourceforge.net) 3. Bulgarian language and template files translation update (thanks to Veselin Slavov, vess.AT.slavof.net) 4. Slovenian language and template files translation update (thanks to Uros Sajko, copatek.AT.yahoo.com) 12/21/2004 ---------- 1. fix a bug in addressbook that note field wtih ' or " won't be displayed correctly (thanks to Alex Teslik, alex.AT.acatysmoof.com for his fix) 12/20/2004 ---------- 1. explcitly check old password in change_userpassword() in auth_pam.pl, as the PAM of underlying authentication doesn't always check the old password before changing the password (thanks to Sergio Rua, srua.AT.pattrynet.org for his fix) 12/19/2004 ---------- 1. add date range support to advsearch 12/13/2004 ---------- 1. fix some typo errors in French language file (thanks to Dominique, dominique.fournier.AT.grenoble.cnrs.fr) 12/09/2004 ---------- 1. change calendar event notification email to a more concise format so it could be displayed well in PDA or cell phone 2. fix the error of spamassassin user prefs filename, it should be user_prefs, not userprefs 3. clean code related to cookies, rename cookienames from openwebmail-* to ow-* and include -$domain-$user as suffix for cookie that should not shared accross domains 4. fix a bug in openwebmail.pl that cgi param domainname was always not used in autologin 12/08/2004 ---------- 1. fix a bug in cut.pl that parameter for utime is not untainted (reported by Dimitrios 'sehh' Michelinakis, dimitrios.AT.michelinakis.gr) 12/07/2004 ---------- 1. Deutsch lang file translation update (thanks to Martin Bronk, martin.AT.bronk.de) 2. add new option enable_saprefs to openwebmail.conf This option would allow users to edit the testrules, whitelist and blacklist in the spamassassin userprefs file (~/.spamassassin/userprefs) 12/05/2004 ---------- 1. new iconset: Cool3D.Spanish (thanks to Jaime Caballero, master.AT.xanum.uam.mx) 2. fix a minor bug in auth_ldap.pl which always used the ou=people for authentication no matter what ou is set to in auth_ldap.conf (thanks to bjacint, bjacint.AT.kvark.hu for his fix) 12/02/2004 ---------- 1. fix a minor bug in adrbook.pl which may generate invalid vcard in addressbook conversion if an entry in old addressbook has no name defined. (thanks to Alex Teslik, alex.AT.acatysmoof.com for his fix) 12/01/2004 ---------- 1. return false in html editor compatibility test for browser Opera in openwebmail-send 11/29/2004 ---------- 1. add -u (--unlock) option to openwebmail-tool.pl, it removes the file locks for specific openwebmail user by killing the processes holding the locks ps: This function requires the program 'lsof', lsof is available at http://people.freebsd.org/~abe/ 11/27/2004 ---------- 1. fix the color of listview in addressbook when lightbar is disabled (thanks to Alex Teslik, alex.AT.acatysmoof.com) 2. Hungarian language file translation update (thanks to Posz Marton, ful_s.AT.fazekas.hu) 11/26/2004 ---------- 1. Bulgarian language and template files translation update (thanks to Veselin Slavov, vess.AT.slavof.net) 2. fix a but that addressbook related function in message reading/composing was not disabled when option enable_addressbook is set to no 3. fix a problem in mime.pl that encode_mimewords didn't encode two bytes of a big5 char as a whole (reported by wongyf.AT.mail.savs.ilc.edu.tw) 11/25/2004 ---------- 1. fix a problem that when dangerous chars in foldername in was silently removed in folder creation, the resulted string might contain invalid chars to user current charset (reported by chip.AT.turtle.ee.ncku.edu.tw) 2. new mirror site at Beijing, China http://web.lasg.ac.cn/openwebmail/ (thanks to Wang Jun, wjun.AT.mail.iap.ac.cn) 3. fix a problem that shares/vfile.pl won't work without Text::Iconv.pm (reported by marvi.AT.menhir.biz, Marvi Benedet) 4. Polish language and template files translation update (thanks to Pawel Foremski, pjf.AT.gna.org) 5. Italian language and template files translation update (thanks to Benedet Marvi, marvi.AT.menhir.biz) 11/24/2004 ---------- 1. fix the "Undefined subroutine &main::get_messageids_sorted_by_date" error in openwebmail-tool.pl that (reported by Yang Yao-Strong, ysyang.AT.visionnext.com) 2. Polish language and template files translation update (thanks to Pawel Foremski, pjf.AT.gna.org) 3. fix a bug that DEFAULT_ restriction in openwebmail.conf is always active even when its default_ counterpart has been overridden (reported by Yves MARTIN, ymartin.AT.mail.com) 4. fix an error in iconv.pl.fake that the routine is_convertable() should be renamed to is_convertible() (reported by marvi.AT.menhir.biz, Marvi Benedet) 11/23/2004 ---------- 1. remove the default chld signal handler to eliminate the "recursive call...,out of memory!" error in httpd error log To avoid zombie, we call zombie_cleaner explicitly at begin/end of each request 11/21/2004 ---------- 1. rewrite the chkd signal handler to eliminate the recursive call...,out of memory!" error 11/18/2004 ---------- 1. Slovenian html editor files translation update (thanks to Uros Sajko, copatek.AT.yahoo.com) 2. fix a typo error in openwebmail-send.pl introduced by change4 in 11/16/2004 which stopped the 'save draft' function from working. 11/17/2004 ---------- 1. minor fix to editfile in webdisk so it could be called from modules other than webdisk 11/16/2004 ---------- 1. fix a bug that parameters won't be remembered correctly in the url redirection in openwebmail.pl at user login 2. fix a bug in vacation.pl that the from field in autoreplied message may be wrong if the user was not the first recipient in the To: field (thanks to Pasi Sjoholm, pasi.sjoholm.AT.tieto-x.fi for his fix) 3. new options: header_pluginfile_charset, footer_pluginfile_charset, webmail_middle_pluginfile_charset to specify the charset of plugin data 4. new options: enable_savedraft, enable_backupsent 5. Slovenian language and template files translation update (thanks to Uros Sajko, copatek.AT.yahoo.com) 11/14/2004 ---------- 1. change default for enable_domainselectmenu from yes to no, rename domainselmenu_list to domainselectmenu_list 2. fix a bug that if option domainanmes has only one entry, domainanme select menu won't appear even enable_domainselectmenu is set to yes 3. fix a bug that domain selected from dropdown menu at login won't be used as the default domain for user 11/12/2004 ---------- 1. use dispatch table for url redirection in refreshurl_after_login() in openwebmail.pl 11/11/2004 ---------- 1. fix a bug that caused the following warning in system log on linux system "application bug: perl5.8.3 has SIGCHLD set to SIG_IGN but calls wait()..." (thanks to Joachim Vorrath, joachim.vorrath.AT.de.easynet.net for his fix) 11/10/2004 ---------- 1. the import/export support for csv and tab-seperated addressbook! (thanks to Joao S Veiga, openwebmail.AT.rf.com.br for his code) 2. add option webmail_middle_plugfile to plugin content between menubar and messagelist in webmail 3. remove redundant file etc/vcard.pl 11/09/2004 ---------- 1. rename is_convertable to is_convertible in iconv.pl 11/08/2004 ---------- 1. refine the iconv routine and clean related code 2. remove debugging code 3. fix a bug in refined iconv routine 11/07/2004 ---------- 1. add charset support in calendar, so user can read/write a calendar entr no matter if his charset in preference is the same as the calendar entry charset 11/06/2004 ---------- 1. add routine decode_mimewords_iconv to decode a mimeowrd based on its own charset, so string encoded with charset other the message charset could be displayed correctly 2. fix a bug that parameters in mailto: link (to, subject, body) were not passed into the compose window correctly (reported by WONG, Wai Bun Ada, adawong.AT.ied.edu.hk) 3. fix a bug that agentname may be showed in wrong charset if the agent has different charset than its parent contact 4. use cookie to remember the last used addressbook within a browser session 5. check the firstname/lastname field in addreditform before form submission to avoid unexpected error 11/05/2004 ---------- 1. fix a bug in addressbook that when collapse mode is off, checking the checkox of any group will check all groups in currentpage 2. fix a bug in addressbook that clicking save in groupedit form would make the following addressbook listview have only a member field instead of the to, cc and bcc fields. 3. use user prefs charset as the value for property X-OWM-CHARSET in convert old addressbook 4. improved charset support in addreditform and addrlistview 11/04/2004 ---------- 1. Slovenian language and template files translation (thanks to Uros Sajko, copatek.AT.yahoo.com) 2. Finish language translation update (thanks to Pasi Sjoholm, pasi.sjoholm.AT.tieto-x.fi) 3. fix a bug in addressbook group editing that clicking a group as member of current group will cause javascript error 11/03/2004 ---------- 1. jump directly to same location after form submission when user click + to add a new item/entry in addressbook editing 2. fix a bug that the displayed addrbook name may be wrong in addreditform when the entry in editing is in a readonly addrbook 3. show only TO field in addrlistview in editgroup mode 4. fix a bug that abookfolder was not passed in addredit which would cause error in saving an existing entry to addressbook 5. minor openwebmail-abook.pl code clean a. add is_abookfolder_writable() abookfolder2file() to openwebmail-abook.pl b. variable convention: xxxfolder - logicalname of an addrbook xxxfile - path of an addrbook xxxbook - addrbook in mem hash 11/02/2004 ---------- 1. more checks on possible destination addressbooks in addrlistview 2. fix a bug that member checkboxs always have inverse state as the group checkbox when collapse mode is off in addrlistview 3. fix the bug that string passed to displayNotes are escape with escapeURL, it should be str2html instead. 11/01/2004 ---------- 1. adjust the default width/height of address popup window for upgraded users. 2. minor change to js routine makeFullName() in addreditform_N.template so it can generate proper fullname for CJK 3. calling sendmail with -f option in vacation.pl to specify envelope sender explicitly to avoid the intranet domainet being used in envelope. (thanks to Pasi Sjoholm, pasi.sjoholm.AT.tieto-x.fi for his fix) 4. add 'local $1' in regex untaint matching to avoid the perl $1 taintness bug (thanks to Pasi Sjoholm, pasi.sjoholm.AT.tieto-x.fi for his help in debugging this problem) 5. add ucs4_to_utf8() to tool.pl to solve CJK problem in addressbook popup it decodes the %uXXXX in CGI parameters encoded by javascript escape() 6. fix a bug in composeselect and editgroup that parms set in form hiddens object should be escaped for < > & " chars only (ow::htmltext::str2html), not fully escaped (ow::tool::escapeURL) 10/31/2004 ---------- 1. integrate addressbook with other modules by putting the link of web addresssbook to the menubar of msgread, webcalendar and webdisk 2. Traditional Chinese language and templates translation update 3. fix a bug in mailfilter that string with < > could not be showed correctly (reported by Noah Wallach, admin2.AT.enabled.com) 4. swap the forward.gif and forwardasatt.gif. they were with wrong name before. (reported by Dan Burke, drburke.AT.crhc.uiuc.edu) 5. use a image itself as the thumbnail if the image size < 2k in webdisk. 6. show addressbook name in editing addressbook personal/group entries 7. fix alignment directives in addressbook templates for RTL languages (eg:ar.* hr.* ur) 10/30/2004 ---------- 1. replace the openwebmail-abook.pl with the whole new vCard compliant implementation by Alex Teslik, it is much better than the old one :) (thanks to Alex Teslik, alex.AT.acatysmoof.com for his great implementation) ps: BETA! NOT PRODUCTION READY! The new addressbook code has NOT been tested worldwide. Although every effort has been made to eliminate any possible errors, it is STRONGLY recommended that this code should NOT be run in a production environment until it can be tested by a larger user base. ps: It is okay to install the new version over the old one. but don't forget to remove import.gif, export.gif from data/images/iconsets/*/ (which are not used any more) ps: If you are upgrading from older openwebmail, don't forget to convert the global addressbook to new vard format by openwebmail-tool.pl -c The user addressbook will be auto converted at the first access. However, the sysadm may also choose to convert the addressbook for all users manually by openwebmail-tool.pl -c -a 2. Welcome Alex Teslik to the openwebmail develope team :) 3. Portuguese Brazil language and template files translation ipdate (thanks to Joao S Veiga, openwebmail.AT.rf.com.br) 4. remove stale iconsets from data/images/iconsets/ 5. move javascript in templates/*/addreditform_BDAY.template to templates/COMMON/, so the js cached in memory could be shared among different languages 6. change the default value for viruscheck_pipe from /usr/local/bin/clamdscan --mbox --disable-summary --stdout - to /usr/local/bin/clamdscan --disable-summary --stdout - to avoid the warning on clamav 0.8+ 7. Traditional Chinese language and templates translation update 10/22/2004 ---------- 1. fix the problem that openwebmail didn't recognize messages properly if the message is not delimited with a leading blank line (thanks to tigeli, pasi.sjoholm.AT.tieto-x.fi for his report and patch) 2. rename option log_filtermove_detail to log_filter_detail as this option logs more generic information of filters now ps:If you encounter any problem with mail filtering, please set this option to yes in your openwebmail.conf first. Then check the information in openwebmail.log later. 10/20/2004 ---------- 1. add option enable_advsearch, enable_userfolders to openwebmail.conf 2. if domainames option has more than one members and option enable_domainselectmenu is set to yes, only the selected domainname will become the domainname in default emails 10/14/2004 ---------- 1. new mirror site at Moscow, Russia http://openwebmail.nigilist.ru (thanks to Petya Kohts, nit.AT.nigilist.ru) 2. fix a spelling mistake in the log file status names: "emport addressbook to pine" should be: "export addressbook to pine" (thanks to Dimitrios Michelinakis, dimitrios.AT.michelinakis.gr) 10/06/2004 ---------- 1. Austria holiday file (thanks to gottfried hufnagel, gottfried.hufnagel.AT.onb.ac.at) 10/04/2004 ---------- 1. Hellenic/Greek language file minor update Cool3D.Hellenic iconse update (thanks to Dimitris Michelinakis, dimitris.AT.michelinakis.gr) 2. misc/tools/mkcool3d/mkcool3d.sh update (thanks to Dimitris Michelinakis, dimitris.AT.michelinakis.gr) 09/26/2004 (version 2.41) ---------- 1. French language and templates translation update (thanks to Nabil SEFRIOUI, admin.AT.osmium-work.com) 09/24/2004 ---------- 1. fix a bug in addressbook csv export routine which didn't check if the exported fields contain commas, so the resulting csv may be misunderstood by other programs. (thanks to Joao S Veiga, openwebmail.AT.rf.com.br for his fix) 2. fix bugs in pine addressbook import routine a. entries across multiple lines were not parsed properly b. mime encoded strings were not decoded properly (reported by zlb.AT.lsec.cc.ac.cn) 3. fix a bug in maildb.pl which didn't reset message type variable between loop and caused openwebmail to have wrong message size/count for folders in some cases. ps: This wrong size/count summary bug won't hurt the consistence of mail folder and related index, but we suggest that sites running imapd/pop3d and openwebmail later than 20040804 should upgrade to this release. 09/22/2004 ---------- 1. Deutsch template files translation update (thanks to Martin Bronk, martin.AT.bronk.de) 09/14/2004 ---------- 1. use title="..." directive instead of href="mailto:..." for email links in all html documents 09/12/2004 ---------- 1. fix a bug that en.utf8 did't exist in data/openwebmail/javascript/htmlarea.openwebmail/popups which caused html editing not working for en.utf8 09/11/2004 ---------- 1. fix a bug that mini search icon won't display correctly in preference configuration if iconset is text based 2. remove sites that are not available any more from the mirror list 09/09/2004 ---------- 1. Korean language file translation minor update (thanks to Sungjun Park, psj.AT.soosan.co.kr) 2. add 'English -unicode' to language selection in user preference. 09/08/2004 ---------- 1. improve the support of non-official charset name in iconv.pl 09/07/2004 ---------- 1. add learnspam icon to message list toolbar and message read toolbar 09/05/2004 ---------- 1. Czech language and template files translation update new iconset: Text.Czech (thanks to Milan Kerslager, milan.kerslager.AT.pslib.cz) 09/04/2004 ---------- 1. Czech language file and Cool3D.Czech iconset update (thanks to Milan Kerslager, milan.kerslager.AT.pslib.cz) 2. zh_CN.GB2312 help files update (thanks to Wang Jun, irixer.AT.hotmail.com) 08/30/2004 ---------- 1. fix the bug that modification of arguments in option vacationinit may let openwebmail recognize autoreply entry as forward ones (reported by WONG, Wai Bun Ada, adawong.AT.ied.edu.hk) 2. fix the bug that block_email, block_smtp icon were not removed when userfilter is disabled (reported by r-1, eperrotin.AT.contentia.fr) 3. fix the bug that DEFAULT_... options(yesno, none, list) in openwebmail.conf may be parsed incorrectly. (reported by r-1, eperrotin.AT.contentia.fr) 4. better support for non-official charset name in iconv.pl 08/28/2004 ---------- 1. add option enable_globalfilter to openwebmail.conf 2. avoid the fork of background filter by checking if there is no user filters and no global filters and smartfilter, viruscheck, viruscheck are all disabled 08/26/2004 ---------- 1. clear zombie child process at the end of request to fix the "too many zombie" problem on perl 5.8.4 or later (reported by mfahey.AT.enter.net) 08/25/2004 ---------- 1. rename holiday file es to es_AR as it is for Argentina add definition of spanish letters to openwebmail-spell.pl (thanks to ediaz) 2. put the mini search icon and the from field in different cells in msglist (suggested by Oleg D.(RSUTE), dzoleg.AT.rsute.ru) 08/23/2004 ---------- 1. recover lost files in data/openwebmail/help/pt_BR/tutorial/ (reported by Joao S Veiga, openwebmail.AT.rf.com.br) 08/22/2004 ---------- 1. new iconset: Cool3D.Russian. Russian language and templates minor translation update (thanks to Oleg Dzyza, dzoleg.AT.mail.ru) 2. a. corrects "browing" to "browsing" on openwebmail-main.pl b. corrects multiple appearances of "Open Webmail Ajuda e Tutorial e Tutorial" to "Open Webmail Ajuda e Tutorial" on the pt_BR help pages. (thanks to Joao S Veiga, openwebmail.AT.rf.com.br for his patch) 08/20/2004 ---------- 1. readme.txt and faq.txt minor document update for per use config file. 2. add delay to userstat.pl in case queried username is not found 08/18/2004 ---------- 1. Polish template file translation minor update (thanks to Mikolaj Menke, miki.AT.z.pl) 2. move update_openwebmailrc() to shares/upgrade.pl so it can be called by both openwebmail.pl and openwebmail-tool.pl 08/17/2004 ---------- 1. document correction in readme.txt and misc/patches/suidperl2speedy_suidperl.notmp.patch the '#!/usr/local/bin/speedy_suidperl -T' won't work under perl 5.8.4, it should be '#!/usr/local/bin/speedy_suidperl' only (thanks to Yen-Ming Lee, leeym.AT.leeym.com for his correction) 2. remove xmailer_has_version and xoriginatingip_has_userid from openwebmail.conf.help and some other minor correction (thanks to Jordi Sanfeliu, mikaku.AT.fiwix.org for hist correction) 08/16/2004 (version 2.40) background filtering and spam/virus check 01/03/2004 (version 2.30) folder index speedup, file hierachy change 10/14/2003 (version 2.20) enhanced virtual user control 06/17/2003 (version 2.10) html composing, http compression support 03/25/2003 (version 2.00) speedycgi support 02/12/2003 (version 1.90) webdisk support 11/22/2002 (version 1.80) iconv support 07/12/2002 (version 1.70) calendar support 01/24/2002 (version 1.60) send mail though SMTP server 10/31/2001 (version 1.50) introduce pure text openwebmail.conf 08/16/2001 (version 1.40) split authentication into modules 06/18/2001 (version 1.30) support sendmail virtual user, autoreply 06/07/2001 (version 1.20) support spell checking 04/26/2001 (version 1.10) support save draft, confirm reading 03/02/2001 (version 1.00) support pop3, mailfilter support uuencoded attachment support html message display support message search speedup access with dbm 09/14/2000 (neomail 1.14) first test drive